Candy Crush Saga for PC (Windows 7/8/XP)


Candy Crush Saga has recently gained a lot of popularity over Facebook and Mobile platform. It is really a very nice game with HD graphics and delicious user interface. This game became popular in a short span of time and it is played by over 200 Million user worldwide.
Candy Crush Saga for PC
Candy Crush Saga for PC
May be you are also one of the fans of Candy Crush Saga and play it daily on your Mobile/Tablet. Ever wondered that you could play this game on your PC also? Yes, you can now play Candy Crush Saga on PC. Many users were reporting that they want to play this game on a big screen so we thought to share a guide to get Candy Crush Saga for PC.
There are many ways and guides available to Download Candy Crush Saga on PC. But we are going to share the most easiest and user friendly method to get it on PC. We hope you will like to read and follow it.
Before I share the guide to Download Candy Crush Saga for PC, let me introduce you to its features, if you are not aware of it.

About Candy Crush Saga Game by King

This game is developed by King. As the name suggests itself, you have to play with candies in this game. You have to match three same kind of candies in order to move up in the level. Well it sounds easy, but it is not as easy as you think.
You have to complete the missions and level objectives in order to successfully complete a level. Also there is a move limit in this game as well as you need to score a particular figure to be able to move further. Obviously there are some boosters given to help you complete the levels more faster and easily. Some of the boosters are Colorbomb, Fishes, Lightbomb, etc.
Candy Crush Saga Gameplay
Candy Crush Saga Gameplay
There are about 500+ levels in the game which you have to complete in order to complete the whole game. Also these episodes are divided into series. There is a extra bonus level called dreamworld which also covers 100+ levels. Overall the game is little hard but if you play wisely, it becomes a great time killer. Now lets move to our main guide.

Download Candy Crush Saga for PC

Follow these steps without making a mistake in order to successfully install or download Candy Crush Saga for PC. First of all you will need an Android Emulator called bluestacks to run any Android Apps on PC, including Candy Crush Saga. Don’t worry we have covered everything in the steps.
  1. Download Bluestacks Android Emulator.
  2. Go to the top search bar and search for “Candy Crush Saga”.
  3. There will be a small Install button next to the app, click on it.
  4. Now Candy Crush Saga will start downloading on your PC. Wait for sometime. It will be installed automatically too.
  5. Once it is finished, go to My Apps > Click on Candy Crush Saga.
  6. Connect it with your Facebook Profile and start playing Candy Crush Saga on PC.
Now you have successfully downloaded Candy Crush Saga for PC. You can play it anytime by opening Bluestacks and clicking on Candy Crush Saga. We believe that this was a very easy tutorial. Still if you have faced any difficulties in following it, then let us know by comment. We will surely help you out. For more guides on Android Apps for PC, visit Apps for PC World.

Download UC Browser for PC (Windows 7/8/XP)


UC Browser is one of the top mobile browsers. It is used by more than 500 Million users worldwide. UC Browser is most used browser of Android and Symbian OS users. Today we have brought UC Browser for PC. Because of the fast surfing experience and the inbuilt awesome features UC Browser for PC is coming in more and more demand. No doubt you would be already familiar of UC Browser and its features, that’s why you want to Download UC Browser on PC also.
UC Browser for PC
UC Browser for PC

Best feature of UC Browser is really fast mobile web browsing. UC Browser created mobile responsive pages of the websites and adds them in your offline cache. So when you visit the website next time, you do not need to wait even for second to load it. UC Browser for PC also has similar interface and caching feature. The download manager of UC Browser is admired by all users because of its pause and resume capability. You can pause any downloads and resume them later without any problems. In most other browsers the feature is not working as charming as UC Browser for PC.
There are two working and genuine methods to Download UC Browser for PC. We will be talking about both in the below tutorial. The first one shows to download UC Browser using Android Emulator and other one is beta unofficial version developed by one passionate coder. Both of them have same browsing experience. But we recommend you to use Bluestacks to Download UC Browser for PC because once you have Bluestacks, you can also use it to download any other Android Apps for PC.

Features and Description of UC Browser for PC

Before we start teaching you How to Download UC Browser for PC lets read the description and features you will get in UC Browser for PC. All of the features and interface would be same as in mobile. UC Browser offers a very friends UI and UX. If you have a limited internet plan and want to save data, then UC Browser for PC is one of the best solution available for you.
UC Browser
UC Browser
I am using this blazing fast web browser from past 3 months and I have found it more productive and more fluent than Chrome and Mozilla browser. Though everyone has a different perspective of their own, still I highly recommend you to use UC Browser for PC. I bet you’ll love it.
UC Browser for PC can be downloaded using two different ways as I already said above. One way is using a third-party Android Emulator and other way is using the .EXE file to install it on your PC. We will describe both of the ways below in this post.

Download UC Browser for PC (Using Bluestacks)

This is most preferred and most used way to Download UC Browser for PC. We also recommend you to use this method only because its more fast and convenient.
  1. Download Bluestacks from our tutorial we shared earlier.
  2. Install it on your PC and open it.
  3. Search “UC Browser” in the top search bar.
  4. Click on the install button at right side. Now it will be downloaded automatically in your pc and installed automatically.
  5. Now go to My Apps in Bluestacks and start using UC Browser for PC.
Many people have reported me that Bluestacks is not running in their systems because of low configurations. So we have brought another solution for them here. Download the .exe file and open it and start using i.t

UC Browser for PC using Alternative Method

If you want to use offline installer to get UC Browser on PC then click the below button to download it.
You can use any of the above two methods to get UC Browser for PC running on Windows 7/8/Xp. We give you guarantee that both of the above are genuine and well working methods tested by us. If you found any issues on Downloading UC Browser for PC then tell us in comment section below. We would like to review it and provide you working solution to fix the issue. We hope you liked our comprehensive guide on UC Browser for PC.

Get Set Go With Angry Birds Go!


Android games along with the epic Google Play Store has indeed eased our lives a lot. From providing with tons of apps, this one market has also pampered many of us with tons of games as well. Not only these games have been really exciting but also has paved the way for many to create almost a new level for each genre. Among this lot, Angry Birds Go is that one name that simply don’t deserve a miss from any of the Android user.

Feel the real thrill with Angry Birds Go

Basically Angry Bird Go is about a simple kart racing game that was developed by Rovio Entertainment along with Extent Entertainment. While Jon Gibson directed this awesome game, Nic Cusworth helped designing the same. Getting released in December 11, in the year of 2013, the game only till November 2014 has recorded downloads that counted more than 100 million times. The game was initially released for iOS and Android operating systems, but soon as the game got an awesome response from gamers all around the world, it soon got open for the other leading operating systems including Blackberry and Windows.
One of the best features of Angry Birds Go is the fact that this game lets its respective players choose exactly how they wish to move their respective kart. As for example, if you want to tilt, you need to tilt your respective Android device or if you want to touch, they must then either have to tap right or the left of the screen. To start this super thrilling exciting race, you must first have to pull your respective kart back and then release instantly when you see the text GO. Now, in case you release it early, the other players shall also appear earlier; but at the same time, it would also make your respective kart spin, thus slowing it down!
While racing, you can also go on collecting coins. You can also get the chance to use the chosen character’s special power, since Angry Birds Go offers many characters. To keep the game sweeter and really cool, the energy units are illustrated in the form of cupcakes. These cupcakes shall be lost every time you finish one game, along with being able to regain themselves with time. To keep the game absolutely simple, Angry Birds Go includes no laps. And in case you are absolutely bored with one character for every game, you are allowed to change them as per your wishes.
Being the eighth part of the entire Angry Birds series, Angry Birds Go also includes the same thrill and excitement, or rather it has incorporated more of them, to let you feel the real thrill of gaming. And for sure the 3D rendered sweetly presented Piggy Island will make you come back playing with the cool birds again and again.

Going with GO on PC

Angry Birds Go, thankfully now be enjoyed on PCs as well. Get your PC installed with Bluestacks. After this has been done, get in search for the game and soon after the getting the same, just hit to get it downloaded as well as installed.

Teen Patti for PC


Teen Patti is a puzzle game which had gone viral since its launch on any of the app market. The game is freely available on android play store, while if you owe an iPhone you might have to pay some bucks for the same. Talking about the game, it is very simple with neatly organized functions and Gameplay. The game will run on any android version whether gingerbread or kitkat. It is a multiplayer game so will be played online. The game is totally anonymous i.e. you will never be able to figure out who is on opposite side, besides a screen name.
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The game starts instantly as you open it and give a blow with your internet connection. There is not much to worry about the game difficulty level as the game is totally humanoid and no computers, thus assuring you that you are smarter than any box. The game is all about playing cards and winning matches. It is an endless game and will go on till a single person chooses to play along. The main aim is to collect ‘Money’. Yeah! Although the money is virtual and you cannot take it

How to Get Teen Patti for PC:

Teen Patti is a mobile game developed specifically for Smartphone users. It is available for android, windows mobile and iOS devices. With all of its features the game is quite doing well and is enormously popular, same is the reason why you would want it to be available for your PC too. In spite of it being developed only for smart phones, it is possible to make it run onto our personal computers. This is not any tedious task to do and will require you to just follow few simple steps.
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For downloading and installing teen Patti on your PC, some sort of emulators can be deployed to use. Here we can use any of the android and iOS emulator. When talking about serious emulation android emulators are the considered to be the best for the cause. There are huge numbers of android emulators that are stuffing the market. Of them all BlueStacks is considered to be the best and so will be used here.
To run Teen Patti on your PC using BlueStacks, you will need to follow the steps as under:
  • Download BlueStacks from here and install it using the offline downloader so downloaded.
  • When completed installing, open the software and search for “teen Patti” using the app search option provided in the BlueStacks itself.
  • You will now see the search result, kindly choose the appropriate game and let it install onto your system.
  • You can do some other tasks by the time the game gets installed. When successful, it will be notified by a taskbar notification.
Yippee! You have now downloaded this spectacular game on your system. Now just hurry up and start making virtual money in billions.
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Whoa! Wait did you got stuck somewhere, here are the FAQS.
  • Make sure you have working internet connectivity as the game will require a working internet connection to download itself and also for playing; since it is an online game.
  • Does your computer fulfills the minimum requirement of the Bluestacks, do check it. In case not, try using some other android emulator such as Andy or iOS emulator ‘iPadian’.
  • Also, the emulator might behave unlawfully. There is nothing to worry about, try restarting or reinstalling the app and the emulator too.

Whatsapp for PC Download (Windows 7/8/XP)


Whatsapp is the most used mobile instant messenger software for mobile and tablets. Most of the Android, iOS and Windows Phone users use Whatsapp daily on their mobile phones to communicate with their friends and family. It becomes very hard when you need to send big messages to your friends from mobile because it becomes very hard to type long with small mobile screen. So today we are going to show How to Download Whatsapp for PC.

Before coming to our main guide on Downloading Whatsapp for PC let me introduce WhatsApp and its features to you. Probably you are already aware of this great application already but still if you are new to WhatsApp then let me introduce WhatsApp to you. WhatsApp is a smart phone messenger that lets you sent text messages without any cost. You can send Photos, Videos, Sound Recordings and contacts and location too. So basically WhatsApp gives you a lot of functionality without any cost.
Whatsapp for iOS is totally free for lifetime. Though, the Whatsapp for Android also is absolutely free for one year and after one year you have to pay 55 INR (0.99$) per year to continue using WhatsApp. Most users get free upgrade from WhatsApp every year including me also. But if you are not lucky enough then you can continue using Whatsapp at very affordable cost per year.

Features of Whatsapp for Android, iOS and PC

Whatsapp is well-known for its fast and free service. Whatsapp delivers massages your instantly all over the world. Though there are also many alternatives to Whatsapp like Viber, Nimbuzz, Line, Kik Messenger but no one can beat the functions of WhatsApp and the popularity of Whatsapp. There are over 500 M+ users worldwide using Whatsapp.
Whatsapp has very nice interface and unique way to sign up. Actually you do not have to fill those long sign up forms like on other apps. All you need to do is install Whatsapp and verify your phone number and add a profile picture if you need. That’s it! You can start communicating with your friends on your contact list who use WhatsApp. Basically WhatsApp is same for every operating system, no matter what operating system it is running on it always boots fast and runs smooth.
Best thing about WhatsApp is there are no any annoying ads even when it is a free software. You don’t get any annoying popups or distractions while using Whatsapp and that is one of the best things about Whatsapp for PC. There is one con in Whatsapp for PC is that you cannot import your contact list from mobile to PC. You have to add contacts manually in WhatsApp. But you have to do it once only and then enjoy usingWhatsapp on PC.

Download Whatsapp for PC (Windows 7/8/XP)

We have described How to Download Whatsapp for PC in a very easy and simple manner that is understandable even to a teenager. We have found a very easy and working way to get Whatsapp on PC. Follow the all below steps correctly and start using Whatsapp on your PC or Laptop with Windows Os.
Whatsapp for PC Installation
Whatsapp for PC Installation


Must Read: Dead Trigger 2 For PC (Windows 7/8/XP)
As we are going to Download Whatsapp PC Version using an Android Emulator, you must download an Android Emulator first. We recommend you to use Bluestacks Android Emulator. After you have downloaded it, move on to the below guide and follow each and every step to get Whatsapp for PC.
  1. Download and Install Bluestacks from our guide.
  2. Open Bluestacks and search for “Whatsapp” in the top search bar.
  3. Click on the Install button at the right side.
  4. Wait for Bluestacks to automatically download and install Whatsapp for PC.
  5. Once it is done, go to Bluestacks > My Apps.
  6. Open Whatsapp and verify your phone number.
  7. Start using Whatsapp for PC.
So basically it is very easy to Download and Use Whatsapp on PC. We hope you liked the simple guide to Download Whatsapp for PC.
We hope you found the above article helpful. We have tried our best to help you Download Whatsapp for PC. If you get any issues while following the above guide then feel free to ask us any question in comments. Our engineers will solve it as soon as possible. Share this guide on Whatsapp for PC with your friends also. Stay tuned with us because like Whatsapp for PC, many other guides are going to be published very soon on Apps for PC World.

Microsoft Office 2014 for Windows


Microsoft Office suite is all one application for various professional documentation works. Whether it’s about a word processor, a spreadsheet creator or a presentation maker; Microsoft office has it all. The software was started in around 1988 with its initial release as just ‘Microsoft Office’, has now became quite large. This could be understood by just its number of releases. The latest in the addition is ‘Microsoft Office 2014’, which is popularly known as Office 14. Microsoft office 2014 is stunningly engineered, in every aspect which you can consider; whether in terms of features or user interface, this will be pleasing you in every manner possible.

Products under Microsoft Office 2014:

A standard Microsoft Office 2014 package consist of all best office applications from Microsoft including following:
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Microsoft InfoPath
  • Other Tools: Microsoft Office picture viewer, Clipart manager, Diagnostics, etc.

Best Word Processor:

Microsoft word is the first and the foremost choice by every user for editing and creating text files. Initially, with the launch of text formats not much advanced commands were available in the text editors. This was latterly revolutionized by Microsoft with the launch of Microsoft Word, which is an integral part of the office suite. Talking about its features in Microsoft Office 2014, it has quite new additions to its last edition office 2013. The basic features although remains the same including spell check, email as PDF, save in almost all existing word file formats, etc. One important feature that has been added to the product is ‘translation tool’. This translation tool works superb as you might have used Google translation feature. To use this features you will need to select the phrase or a word to be translated, then select the language and there you go; phrase will be translated. It is worth mentioning that to have better access to this feature, install all the language packs.

Excellent Presentation Creator:

When it comes to making a presentation, none of the products comes to mind except ‘Microsoft PowerPoint’. Whether it is a business presentation, a seminar or just a school presentation; Microsoft PowerPoint does it all. PowerPoint is included in the Microsoft Office 2014 suite, and it has all the basic features inherited from its predecessors along with addition of some new features. Some important features of PowerPoint include importing images, audio and now video files too quite easily. In previous versions to add some sort of media files you first need to include it in the clip gallery, however, in Microsoft 2014, you can simple drag and drop the content.

Minimum Requirement to Run Microsoft office 2014 on PC:

Microsoft Office 2014 is available to different OS whether Windows or MAC, to run it makes sure to have following hardware configurations:
  1. Operating System: Windows any version, although use Vista or later for better performance. MAC OS is also supported.
  2. CPU: Intel’s Pentium processors would work fine. If using for some intense work, make sure to have at least Dual Core CPU
  3. RAM: 512 MB for 32 Bit and 1 GB for 64 bit OS.
  4. GPU: Internal GPU with even 256 MB RAM would work fine.
  5. DirectX 9 and compatible peripherals.

Facebook Messenger for PC (Windows 7/8/XP)


Needless to say, Facebook is the most used social network. There are millions of people who are regularly engaged in facebook updating status, sending messages. It is the most used instant messaging network too, of course after WhatsApp. Although now both the most famous messengers belong to the same person as Whatsapp is now owned by facebook. Facebook messenger is the newest in the hierarchy, after facebook application being available to almost every phone no matter it is an Smartphone of not. As of now Facebook messenger has been developed separately for smart phones operating systems like android, iOS, Windows Mobile and Blackberry. This application gives users a better way to send individual messages to friends. Facebook Messenger for PC is not officially available for download, still if you want to run Facebook messenger on your computer here is how you can do it.

How to Get Facebook messenger For PC?

Facebook messenger is a messenger application available for mobile platforms like Android, Windows Phone, iOS, Blackberry and Symbian too. For PC this application is not officially available, however if you wish to use Facebook messenger on your windows or any other such operating system there is an unofficial way of doing so.
Here we can make use of an emulator application that will eventually allow us to install Facebook messenger on our desktops or laptops. Facebook messenger is available for many mobile platforms as already described earlier, thus we will need to find the emulator for any one of the concluding mobile platforms. Well, in that case the best option is to use an android emulator. There are many android emulators available in the market; the best among them is Bluestacks which will be used here.

How to Download and install Facebook messenger on PC using Bluestacks?

To run Facebook messenger on your PC’s we will firstly need to install the application on our PC. Here we will be using Bluestacks to do so, to install Facebook messenger on our PC using Bluestacks we will need to follow the steps as below:
  1. Download and install Bluestacks on your PC.
  2. Search for ‘Facebook messenger’ using Bluestacks app search feature.
  3. When found appropriate link download and install the app on your PC.
  4. Installation is now successful.
When the installation will be successful you will be prompted by a notification in your taskbar. You can now open the application using the Bluestacks installed app list. Do make sure you have a working internet connection as it will be required to download the app online.

How to Use Facebook Messenger on Your PC?

Facebook Messenger on your PC will work exactly the same way as you might be using on your android smart phones. On the first run you will be asked for your facebook credentials, enter them to get started. Once login is successful you will be able to see all of your connected friends and can start sending messages to them. Running Facebook messenger on PC has an advantage of bigger visibility i.e. bigger fonts, images and so on. Also you will be able to use your facebook account while doing your work.

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